the 3rd International Contemporary Art BIENNALE
“NO standART. endless truth seekers”
1 August /30 August, 2023, Online, worldwide
and invite:
• artists,
• researchers,
• educational and scientific innovators
to join an interdisciplinary program online.
In today's world, the dominance of technology greatly affects the quality of human life. Undoubtedly, it has many positive aspects, but one does not feel that gradually life somehow becomes narrow and shallow. Technology is often thought of as a necessity to be pursued even when there is something else entirely to be pursued. Thanks to technology, a person often does not feel how simple human feelings and sensitivity are lost, and the human personality is divided. It becomes irrelevant, as does the entirety of its history.
Political power structures take advantage of this to control and demoralize. Although the government wants to appear soft and paternalistic, as if it maintains democratic forms, even periodically announces elections, but in fact it completely controls the person. It becomes endless and patronizing, leaving no possibility for a person to defend himself from that "guardianship". Human remains alone and powerless against the all-encompassing bureaucracy of the state. Gradually, he loses all motivation, thereby allowing the circle of gentle despotism to close. By losing political control over his destiny, he unconsciously loses his freedom and dignity.
A person may be left with a few choices, but in reality even those choices are not the choices of the citizens themselves. They are choices imposed by an irresponsible paternalistic government. When a person no longer sees meaning in the things of his life, the foundation of moral principles gradually begins to disappear. Then goals are lost. And then the mind becomes an instrument that can be controlled by anyone. There are fears that take over and lead in one direction - to the loss of freedom. A global brain shutdown is underway…
We are in this complex process of history and the task of the artist is to look further and deeper beyond the limits of this inevitable process, into the more subtle connections of life and being, into the essence of deep phenomena and reveal the truth, essential reality and its nature. Artists are the ENDLESS TRUTH SEEKERS…
ANIMA MUNDI Art Magazine
We are pleased to present the magazine award finalists and nominees.
Helena Lambert (Belgium)
Kiki Klimt (Slovenia)
Patric Joosten (France)
Sanskar Texmance (India)
Luise Eru (Brazil)
Indre Grazuleviciute (Lithuania)
Elmadani Belmadani (Morocco)
Alejandra Mavrofridi (Greece)
Conxeta Vivo (Spain)
Dawn Gaietto (UK)
Fan (Spain)
Salvatore Esposito (UK)
International Association &
2nd International Contemporary Art BIENNALE
NO standART. ‘no holds barred?’
1 May/30 May, 2021, Online, worldwide
The meeting will be held
15, May, 2021
in zoom
The site of ISAO Tomoda, (R.I.P.)
Japanese artist and our member is opened
Researching work (by Z.Vilutyte)
Generation of Social Practice Art Creative Aproach in Migrant Academy
(January - June, 2019)
Many thanks to: Dr. Aurora Luna Walss (Mexico), Lina Alia Sultana (Bangladesh), Daria Baiocchi (Italy), Dr. Ellis Oyakola (Nigeria), Gintas Gascevicius (Lithuania), Rudy Murdock (Indonesia), Renay Elle Morris (USA), Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi (Canada), Sarah Murphy (USA), Dr. Rytis Urniezius (Lithuania)
Aina Putnina - painting (Latvia) Exhibition at Jurbarkas Museum in April, 2019
Ipek Denizli Karagoz - painting (Cyprus) Exhibition at SU Art Gallery in August, 2019
Renay Elle Morris - art photography (USA) Exhibition at Kaunas' House of Nation in September, 2019
International Association & Foundation ANIMA MUNDI,
donate art works to
women' club 'Harmony'
Charity Auction, February 23rd, 2019
for the needs of
Siauliai Paliative Care Center patiants, for the purchase of oxygen equipment.
Artists Participants:
Aina Putnina (Latvia)
Elmira Shokr Pour (Iran)
Aleko Lomadze (Georgia)
Loreta Bukontaite-Verniene (Lithuania)
Antanas Seronas (Lithuania)
Sigita Adomaviciene (Lithuania)
Zita Taraseviciene (Lithuania)
Ausra Sirutiene- Oreige (Lithuania)
Audra Fiseriene-Toleikyte (Lithuania)
Ilona Januliene (Lithuania)
Zita Vilutyte (Lithuania)
International Association & Foundation ANIMA MUNDI
together with associated partner VSI Holistinis judejimo teatras "S"
and partners
Gelgaudiskis Manor and Gallery "Aukso pjūvis"
1st International Contemporary Women Artists’ BIENNALE 2018
“NO standART”
12OCT/30NOW, 2018, Lithuania, Gelgaudiskis Manor
Ts' its' tsi' nako, Thought-Woman,
is sitting in her room
and what ever she thinks about
She thought of her sisters,
Nau' ts' ity' i and I' tcs' i,
and together they created the Universe
this world
and the four worlds below.
Thought-Woman, the spider,
named things and
as she named them
they appeared.
She is sitting in her room
thinking of a story now
I'm telling you the story
she is thinking.
(from Marmon Leslie Silko „Ceremony“)
Tell YUOR story...
10/04/2018 – 07/05/2018
In the Museum of Lithuanian History of Education (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Thanks for Turkish Embassy in Lithuania for support and cooperation
European Cultural Capital 2018 - Valetta (Malta)
The APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale
13 November 2017 - 7 January 2018
MITHOGENIA Unipesoal. Lda- International Art Academy and
International Association & Foundation ANIMA MUNDI
1st International edition of Mithogenia Expo Fair
In Vila Viçosa - Alentejo - PORTUGAL
15SET/18OCT, 2017
Friendship - connection with yourself, one another, and the web of life
Seven contemporary artists and photographers from different countries- Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, Iran and Turkey – Cetin Erokay, Elmira Shokr Pour, Aleko Lomadze, Aina Putnina, Saulius Jankauskas, Sigita Adomaviciene and Zita Vilutyte, members of International Artists group IAF ANIMA MUNDI, are presenting them works at 1st International edition of Mithogenia Expo Fair ,In Vila Viçosa - Alentejo – PORTUGAL. Exhibition organized by MITHOGENIA Unipesoal. Lda- International Art Academy and International Association & Foundation ANIMA MUNDI. The theme of the exposition is FRIENDSHIP.
There is something trancendent in this word. And the artists had the task to disclose the meaning of this word in the context of the contemporary world.
Friendship is the highest kind of moral excellence. The friend should be the festival of the earth to you and an anticipation of the overman… Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
From Arisotle, through to the philosophers Montaigne and Bacon, and to
Nietzsche, the notion of friendship continues to invoke philosophical discussion and
thought; the most basic formative question being, “what is friendship?” The variety of
answers implies that friendship is a complicated issue, even though it is one of the most
elemental relationships a person experiences in life
‚Aristotle confronts his audience with an ambiguous declaration: “My friends,
there are no friends.” Centuries later, Montaigne paints friendship as almost mystical
and beyond the limitations of expression. Bacon argues that friendship is purely
instrumental. The interpretations of friendship are so varied that it seems friendship can
either be the most sacred and beautiful relationship shared between two people or that
friendship is the romanticized label that we give to two people using each other for their
own personal gains‘ .
The concept of the FRIENDSHIP artists of this exhibition describe as a unique structure instinctively created for the community of this world, not only humanity but also nature, part of which we are. Each individual’s presence essential to the whole, offering information from their particular perspective artists show that all things such as physical, psychological and spiritual relationships are not functioning in isolation or with judgments of others’ existence. The artists show how much we are keenly aware of and responsive to the minds and feelings, relationships, decisions, words and actions, responsibilities, communication, as well as the seasons of the earth, the cycles of day and night, the winds, rains, and flow of rivers, the presence of other humans, birds, animals, insects, and plants. We live with a wide-open embrace and intimate connection with the vastly diverse web of life.
The exhibition will be hosted by Alentejo Marmoris Hotel, in the city of Vila Viçosa, Portugal in September,2017. The International Academy of Arts Mithogenia has a project to develop the Alentejo region through art. Aiming at a spread of the culture and knowledge, together with the local community promoting arange of activities involving a sculpture support center, multidisciplinary artistic manifestations, workshops, art exhibitions among other diverse activities.
International Association & Foundation “IAF ANIMA MUNDI”
For the better world
We are inviting organizations and private sector to join the IAF ANIMA MUNDI
IAF AM creates an International platform around the world. We invite organizations, NGO, art galleries, schools, universities and also private sector as well as personalities to join us.
Till the end of November, 2018, the organizations which want to join us legal and to get registration number and membership card can do this for free. Just you need to send us the goals and directions of your organization as it is written in your statute, as well as your registration number in your country, address phone, e-mail, contact person, and after decision of our Committee we will send you to sign an agreement document.
The goal of this platform is future projects and cooperation in very different areas, such as art, sciences, education, culture etc.,in a wide international fields. If you are interesting in this, please write a.s.a.p. to iaf.animamundi@com
With warm regards
Committee of IAF ANIMA MUNDI
09-09-2016, was established International Association & Foundation “IAF ANIMA MUNDI”
For the better world.
Poets, philosophers, painters, designers, musicians of all genres, scientists, personnel of culture and education are invited to join IAF ANIMA MUNDI.
For more information push button Association.
“The DNA of European ART”
From 01-08 till 10-09-2016
New ANIMA MUNDI project is based on the origins of the European countries, which aims to - late Neolithic archeological culture. It styles Corded Ware Culture or Battle Ax Culture which was common in the biggest part of European territory.
Based on historical material, a group of artists will research and will do creative work, which aim is to find the links between the Baltic Sea region countries in multi-culture of nowadays, and only rely on the old culture as a map, to proceed to the search of the best form of human coexistence and to hope for useful discoveries, even then if we go in different directions and the way we become aware of different options.
The Corded Ware Culture name and alternative name very metaphorically reflect today's multicultural society. Multicultural world allows cultures coexist, but multiculturalism policies do not help and hinder these crops to benefit from their coexistence. Thanks to the mutual tolerance the nearby cultural communities live very close to each other, but rarely go to the two-way dialogue.
A group of artists and scientists will try to answer the following questions:
- Does cultural pluralism can be developed in progressive spiral or it can become a field of battle ax?
- Is it valuable in itself?
- Is the value comes from the assumption and hope that it can improve the coexistence of different cultures?
With warm regards

Manifesto of ANIMA MUNDI movement
Never has civilization been menaced so seriously as today. The artist creates the art at a historical moment, under the blows of reactionary forces - political, economical, religious, ideological armed with arsenal of modern technologies. To be an artist in today’s world is multifaceted effort.
ANIMA MUNDI movement was born to be the platform of a new high culture, longing for transcendence and real meaning.
We would like to bring together exponents of all arts; painters, writers, musicians. Rooted in traditional values, we transport the eternal spirit against the dissolution of the profound, using different means, old and new, from Folk arts to Avantgarde.
Art is one of the basic social needs to which everyone has a right.
Art is a way of thinking.
Art does not have to be understood in its totality.
Artists have the right to disagree with affective, moral, philosophical, cultural, economic and political aspects.
Artists have the right to be respected and protected when they dissent.
Artists also have the right to be understood in the complexity of their disagreement. Artists should not be judged but discussed.
Governments, corporations, and religious institutions have the duty to provide a space for self criticism in which they are accountable for their actions, a space where the people can question them.
Governments should not control art and artists and must stop fearing ideas.
Artists have the right to create the work they want to create, with no limits; they have the duty to be responsible without self-censure, because self-censure paralyzes the possibility to exercise critical thinking.
Artists have the right to decide the value of an artistic statement.
In the critical moments of history the government has duty to protect art and artist.
Artist should not undergo political censorship as direct pressure on artist or not accessing economic support.
Artists should not sustain control of the right to move to the other countries.
A society in which is freedom of artistic expression is a healthier society.
An understanding of the nature of diversity, in particular areas of diversity relating to gender and identity must be grounded in reality and fit in with people’s experiences of the world. Because of this it is so important for artist to share his/her ideas, so that they can influence the changing structure of the world.
Cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored, but rather maintained and valued.
Critical thinking is the right of the artist and becomes evident in artistic practices.
Poets, philosophers, painters, designers, musicians of all genres are invited to join ANIMA MUNDI.
"Help to Tbilisi"
Concerning the natural disaster in Tbilisi we organized concert - action.
June 18, 18:00
Concert hall "Saule", Šiauliai, Lithuania
Anima Mundi 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania
International Art Festival ANIMA MUNDI 2014 Catalogue
Opening of the International Art Festival ANIMA MUNDI 2014
International Art Festival ANIMA MUNDI 2014 (Lithuania)
International Art Festival ANIMA MUNDI 2013 (Lithuania)
International Art Festival ANIMA MUNDI 2013 (Lithuania)
I Prize Elmira Shokr Pour (Iran)
II Prize Debronzes (Indonesia)
III Prize Michael Sasserson (Denmark)